Wie schon beschrieben, haben wir dieses Mal die Möglichkeit, ca. 20-25 Fahrzeuge in unserer Ausstellung zu zeigen, also eine relativ limitierte Anzahl!
Wer sein Fahrzeug präsentieren will, kann uns gern Fotos und Infos seines Hot Rods oder Kustom Cars per E-mail zusenden.
Wir bitten um Verständnis, dass die Auswahl der Fahrzeuge ausschließlich uns vorbehalten ist. Bei Interesse an eurem Fahrzeug senden wir euch alle weiteren Details per E-mail zu.
Ansprechpartner ist Herr Oliver Thiem (olli@smokinshutdown.com)
Like mentioned before, this time we´re gonna be able to exhibit 20-25 vehicles, a very limited number and thorough selection! Everyone who´d like his car to be presented in our show, please don´t hesitate and send us photographs along with information about your hot rod or kustom car via e-mail. Please understand that the final decision about which car will take part in the exhibiton is up to us. As soon as a positive decision has been made, we´ll send you further details via e-mails.
Our man in charge is Mr. Oliver Thiem (olli@smokinshutdown.com)
Ansprechpartner ist Herr Oliver Thiem (olli@smokinshutdown.com)
Like mentioned before, this time we´re gonna be able to exhibit 20-25 vehicles, a very limited number and thorough selection! Everyone who´d like his car to be presented in our show, please don´t hesitate and send us photographs along with information about your hot rod or kustom car via e-mail. Please understand that the final decision about which car will take part in the exhibiton is up to us. As soon as a positive decision has been made, we´ll send you further details via e-mails.
Our man in charge is Mr. Oliver Thiem (olli@smokinshutdown.com)